Monday, January 4, 2010

January 5th 2010

Well today was Lucys first day back at swimming and she did great, was good actually as a couple of friends were there too so had a gab with them while she was doing her thing. worked on a layout today and just chilled really , im so trying to finish that book i was talking about yesterday so may get stuck into that tonight. Was so nice to get mail this morning as a girl that i know from scrapbooking online sent me a gift full of odds and ends and a cool princess album. such nice ladies i have met. well im off to finish cooking dinner(oriental beef mmmmmm)talk to you tomorrow

Monday 4th January

Well another day of nothing more than ironing and housework,though i am reading a really great book and i cant put it down. It took me ages to do the ironing cos i kept picking it up to read a chapter lol, i swear it is fab just one of they books where you cant wait to see what happens at the end though i don't want the end to come lol. Of course we had the bunnies out a few times, discovered why whiskers loves hiding round the back of my scrap table , he was chewing on one of my crop bags the wee bugger. they are sooooooooo funny and soooooooo cute how much do we love this pair. Well this is the last day off for me as its full steam ahead from tomorrow as Lucy has intensive swim lessons for the next 3 weeks.
OK off to bed now as my fab hubby has got me the 1st show on scrubs new season, i cant tell you how happy this makes me as we thought the last one was the final season so I'm very excited , just love JD he is sooooooooo funny
see you tomorrow

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 3rd 2010

Well what a day , first off i feel a bit crap but that the bottle of wine i drank last nights fault lol. Took Lucy to the cinema for the first time today, we saw the Princess and the frog and it was great, though Lucy was a nightmare she sat for ages really well then spent half of the film trying to climb the chairs omggggggg that girl sometimes lol. Spoke to Tania and i start back work a week on Thursday and I'm soooo looking forward to it, was so nice of her to have offered me a managers position , so it will work out well with college . Well of to bed to watch a new move and recover from wine
see you all tomorrow

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 2nd 2010

Well not much to blog about today as we just had a lazy day, though i did manage to get 2 layouts done, so that's a good thing and i also did a bit off housework and then we got a take away. so all in all a very quiet one.

Only pictures i took were of my layouts so you can see them over there if you wish.
You know i cant believe how fast this past year has been , i mean we have been in this rental a year and only have a couple of weeks left before we get into our new home, though that's if it gets finally finished , i mean we could still be here this time next year lol

well I'm off to have a nice drink with my hubby and watch some Disney film to keep Lucy happy
see you tomorrow